

Weekend recipe: Strawberry-Raspberry Smoothie with yogurt

Photo © Instagram.com/valentinazelyaeva

You need 2 cups of frozen strawberries, one 1 cup of raspberries, 2 medjool dates (don’t forget to remove pits), 2 table spoons of yogurt (try to stay away from dairy yogurt, take coconut yogurt), ½ glass water – just enough to get your blender going. Adjust water amount to consistency that you like. I prefer thinker smoothies , so ¼ -½ cup water is perfect for me. Place all ingredients in high speed blender, run for 30 sec. Ready to enjoy!

Please see more tips on healthy lifestyle and proper eating on blog.valzelyaeva.com. Specially for those who want to look like a top model.

Text: Valentina Zelyaeva


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Photo: Timur Artamonov for Elle-Russia

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