Vova Fruck for VOVA FRUCK
Since Vova Fruck wrote such lovely composition on prescribed theme, I’ll hand over the microphone for his monologue: “VOVA FRUCK brand was established on 22/01/2011. All necklaces are preformed in small consignments one to twenty examples, strictly within the frame of the concept – “common basis, infinity of variants”. Evelina Khromtchenko, Jeanne Aguzarova, Irina Muromtseva, Catherine Dvigubsky Anastasia Tsvetaeva, Darya Charushi, Aurora, Tatiana Gevorgyan, Catherine Vulichenko already wear necklaces VOVA FRUCK. All these women are very different, but with outstanding personality. By the way, they are my muses!
To create my necklace for the Evelina’s Khromtchenko project in Petrovsky Passage I chose nacre, natural cornelian, glassed beads, engolden chain and two vintage men’s cuff links. Made out of natural amber, they became the main emphases point in the necklace. These cuff links were brought from Riga in 1980-s. As additional pendant elements were chosen disks that were cut out seashell. The source of inspiration for placing amber in my necklace was Tibetan jewelry, where amber is very important”.