Maria Tychina for MARIA TYCHINA
I found Maria Tychina’s necklaces in Instagram. At first sight, it seemed that she was another wealthy woman interested in fashion, but very soon Maria proved to be absolutely all-sufficient creative unit. Maria is an all-rounder woman. French, public administration, art, antiques appraisal and finally “MARHI”. Maria graduated the university as a designer of architectural environment, but she was always interested in fashion.
Necklace created by Maria for the project in Petrovsky Passage is made out of pink quartz and black silk ribbon. Quartz is decorated by elements of vintage necklace, that the designer purchased in Brussels at a flea market Marol. “When I was buying this necklace, it had some losses, part of the chain was missing and one of the side elements was broken off from the main structure. I also noticed that in some parts there were some traces of restoration. As far as I managed to find out from the salesman, this necklace is pre-war garment, 1920-1930-s, it was made in Europe, most likely in the Czech Republic or Austria”.