

Ludmila Tregub for Lovelies by LT

Lovelies by LT necklace specially for Bijoux Bazaar © Egor Berladin, Bosco di Ciliegi press department

Ludmila Tregub is another discovery that was made by me in the Instagram. In her instaprofiles @ludat and @loveliesbyLT she regularly posts photos of marvelous necklaces. The designer of the brand Ludmila Tregub derives her inspiration from walking around the flea markets of London, Paris, Milan and Moscow and viewing reports from the fashion weeks. Bright colorful combinations, unique components, unexpected decisions is the business card of Lovelies by LT. Each necklace by this brand will ideally fit into wardrobe of the most demanding fashionable woman. In my own collection, for example, I have a necklace in which Luda combined African decor with stylistics of classic French jewelers.
From the description note to the necklace that Ludmila Tregub sent for the “Bijoux Bazar” at Petrovsky Passage: “In this necklace was used a vintage fragment of a chain made in 1980-s, such quality and solidity you can barely find nowadays (I tried to find it for month). In original it was supposed to be used for making bags in a small workshop in Italy, that has been restoring bags since 1960-s. But the workshop was redeemed and later it was closed down and part of the products is now being sold out”.


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Photo: Timur Artamonov for Elle-Russia

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