Razgulyaev Blagonravova: the art you wear

Razgulyaev Blagonravova shoes. Photo © @rxbshoes
Milla Razgulyaeva-Blagonravova launched her home shoes brand in 2007 drawing inspiration from a family tradition. Many years ago her grandmother used to give a pair of hand-sewn home shoes to her soon-to-be husband, and then presented them for wedding anniversary every year. This grew into a warm family tradition. Lyudmila creates the slippers and shoes that combine both comfort and art design.
Milla, slippers of your brand look like a “museum piece”. How did the idea to create not simply comfortable shoes, but also to combine the element of art come to your mind?
– I did not want to do simple slippers. When you live in such a beautiful city like St. Petersburg, it’s just not fair to do ordinary things. There is so much inspiration around: beautiful architecture, the most famous theaters with great performances, famous artworks in museums and galleries, which we can admire every day. We live in such time, when brands can’t exist without a particular idea, especially in fashion or home design. At that very moment, when I went to the Russian Museum for inspiration, the decision was made in right in that place, to dedicate the collection of shoes to the artworks of great artists and the first was Kazimir Malevich. He set a special style, and we were remembered precisely for slippers with paintings by Malevich.
Your shoes are made by hand from natural materials. Do you plan to switch to eco-materials?
– Yes, right now we are working on eco-collection under RxBcasual brand. We decided to introduce a new eco-friendly line. Shoes will cost two times cheaper, they will be made at our production by the same professionals. This line of shoes will be made of silk, velvet and other artificial materials. I hope to release the first few models at the end of the year.
All the shoes in your collections are flat. You do not like the heels?
– Yes, I am not a supporter of heels, and then we started with home shoes and the policy of our company is to make the same comfortable outdoor shoes just like the home shoes. Personally, it seems to me that at home people don’t want to walk on heels, well, except some special evenings. Therefore, we do not do slippers and outdoor shoes with heels. Although in the new line of RxBcasual there will be several models with heels. Now we are testing a small heel and a platform-sole.
What is your favorite type of shoes?
– I am madly in love with mules. I feel so comfortable wearing this model. And it is completely universal.