“Festive Clothes of the People of Russia” Exhibition from the Collection of the Historical Museum in Moscow

Women’s clothing. Sundress, shugai, necklace. Central Russia. The end of 18th — the beginning of the 19th century.

Women’s clothing. Sundress, shugai, necklace. Central Russia. The end of 18th — the beginning of the 19th century.

Women’s clothing. A shirt, belt decoration – pulogai. Saransk at., Penza gub. The end of 19 — the beginning of the 20th century.

Women’s clothing. Sundress, shirt, belt. Tengushevo village, Nizhnelomovsky at., Penza gub. Second half of the 19th century.

Women’s clothing. Sundress, sludge ice (dushegreya). Central Russia. The end of 18th — the beginning of the 19th century.
The Historical museum represents the collection of traditional festive clothes of the people of Russia collected for more than centenary history of the museum. The exposition includes the Russian traditional job specification belonging to inhabitants of the European part of the country – from Far North to the southern provinces, from Smolensk to Perm Krai; festive clothes of the people of the Volga region, the North Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East.
Costume ensembles and separate articles of clothing – bright models of art creativity of the people of Russia are collected at an exhibition on geographical regions. Added with ethnographic cards, graphic material, photos and monuments of arts and crafts of the 18-19th centuries, they allow to provide variety and mutual influence of cultures of the adjoining people of our country.
Bright costume complexes of the Russian festive clothes keeping traditional forms in the country environment up to the beginning of the 20th century allow to see a variety of its local features at an exhibition: surprising beauty female headdresses – the kokoshniks of the end of the 18th century decorated with pearls and zolotny sewing; sundresses of the end XVIII – the beginning of the 19th centuries from silk fabrics of the Russian manufacturing; the maiden wreaths reminding imperial crowns; pearl kokoshniks with the embroidered initials of owners which women stored as one of the biggest jewelry of a dowry and descended, and also “horned sorok” – a special form headdresses of married women of the southern provinces.
Interferences of various ethnic cultures can be traced on all exposition of an exhibition. Suits of the Finno-Ugric people of the Volga region – a mordva, Maris, Chuvashs and Udmurts, adjoin at an exhibition to traditional clothes of the Russian southern provinces and the Turkic people of the Volga region. Pestrotkany shirts and aprons of Maris reflect influence of culture of the Kazan Tatars. Among the rare monuments provided at an exhibition – unique Mordovian women’s ceremonial clothing of the end XVIII – the beginning of the 19th centuries. Near a festive suit of the Bashkir the job specification of the Ural Cossack which has kept at the beginning of the 20th century of line of the Russian clothes of the XVIII century is located. Clothes of an aboriginal population of the Western and Eastern Siberia – Teleuts, drill, Yakuts – it is provided near costume complexes of the Russian Old Believers – immigrants from the European part of Russia. Clothes from cervine fur and the suede embroidered by color beads, samples with incrustation from skin and fur, products from fish skin will provide an aboriginal population of Siberia and the Far East, including the small people of Priamurye. At an exhibition the Nanaian summer clothes from fish skin decorated with a magnificent ornament in technology of application are for the first time exhibited.
The collection of traditional festive clothes of the people of Russia, collected the Historical museum extensive and various on the structure, shows a unique originality of ethnic image of our country which has developed throughout centuries at an exhibition.
“Festive Clothes of the People of Russia” Exhibition at Historical Museum in Moscow until Oct, 3.