

The union of French perfumery and street art

JONONE X Guerlain. Bee Bottle. Photo © www.facebook.com/Guerlain

The Maison Guerlain collaborated with a famous street artist Jon One to create three unique designs of a classical Bee Bottle. The artist uses neon-bright colours to render the fragrance palette of Shalimar (blue tones), La Petite Robe Noire (pink tones) and Rose Barbare (orange tones). All bottles are created in JonOne’s Paris atelier and signed by the artist. Unique pieces of art and perfumery are available at the Color Flows exhibition at La Maison Guerlain, 68, avenue Champs-Élysées – Paris, until February 29th.

Text: Rimma Ismagilova


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Photo: Timur Artamonov for Elle-Russia

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