

Life of the model Exercise 1

Anastassia Khozissova – is a top model, which you have often seen on Ralph Lauren, Giorgio Armani and Karl Lagerfeld advertising campaigns and runway shows. Anastassia – is a living proof that beauty is not the result of starvation or just a good body constitution, but it is a serious work. Fortunately, any woman can learn to do such kind of work. When Anastassia, who was born in Saratov, moved from New York to Milan, she founded the #LifeOfTheModel project aimed to teach every woman how to work on themselves as well as the models do, achieving top model results. There are a lot of exercises to improve your body shape, model gait skills and much more. During her weekly topic #LifeOfTheModel on evelinakhromtchenko.com website Anastassia Khozissova will show easy-to-repeat exercises that will quickly reveal its result. Specially for those who wants to look like a top model. The program for today is exercises for the press.


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Photo: Timur Artamonov for Elle-Russia

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