7 rules of elegance by Evelina Khromtchenko

Evelina Khromtchenko. Photo © Dmitry Iskhakov for Todchuk Studio
1. Choose a style according to your own habits and character – do not try to play someone else’s role in your wardrobe.
2. Always dress up appropriately – do not choose a jeans for The Bolshoy Theatre and pumps for a picnic.
3. Respect your body and age – it is hardly to image that pink mini-skirt can beautify a 50-year-old woman.
4. Create a whole completed look, not relying on some details of it.
5. Less is more – remove everything from your outfit that can be easilly replaced.
6. Do not save your money on a manicure and pedicure, on coloring and haircut, on the shoes and underwear.
7.You should immediately remove from your wardrobe all the clothes you didn’t use during one year. Get rid of the pieces, that are too big or too small. Forget about that clothes that was worn during the rainy days.