10 things a girl should forget if she’s older than 12 years old according to Evelina Khromtchenko

Evelina Khromtchenko. Photo © Dmitry Iskhakov for Todchuk Studio
1. Pink color in the shade of crazy Barbie – it blatantly tells everyone things that you want to keep in secret.
2. White socks or knee-length socks with a fancy shoes – it can be worn as the element of theatrical costumes in the play about pioneer’s life in the 50s or 70s.
3. Plush toy-slippers – is a serious reason for visiting a psychologist.
4. Plush costumes with a rabbit, cat or bear ears – this is rather the reason for visiting a psychiatrist.
5. T-shirts with cute prints for children and humorous slogans – in this case not fashion, but an ordinary court is needed – for insulting public good taste.
6. Two high ponytails with bows – honestly, I would like to forbid such a horror on the head at all.
7. Position of the foot toes inside – if you are not Japanese, you should always try to control yourself.
8. Romper jumpsuit – even if you go with your child in the sandbox.
9. Dreams of Clawdeene Wolf and Britney Spears stage outfits – it may seems very sexy only in 12 years.
10. Bags in the form of beetles, cars, houses – despite the fact that some brands offer them to adult women for adult money.