

Weekend recipe: quash and pumpkin cream soup

Сream soup from Squash and Pumpkin. Photo © @anastassiakhozissova

150 g of squash
200 g of pumpkin
50 ml of coconut milk
2 teaspoons of spelt (pre-soaked in warm water)
1 teaspoon of sunflower mousses
1 teaspoon of crushed flax seeds
1 teaspoon of ginger

Slice the pumpkin and zucchini in small cubes. Put them in a saucepan with 500 ml of water, add the ginger. Cook over in low heat for 15-20 minutes. Remember that vegetables should not be overcooked. Make sure they crack a little. When the vegetables are ready, place them into the blender. Add the ginger and all remaining ingredients except sunflower seeds. Beat in the blender for 30 seconds. Then, on low speed of a blender in small portions add the broth in which the cooked vegetables until you reach your desired consistency of soup.
Done! Pour the soup into a bowl and decorate it with seeds. Bon Appetite!
Please see more tips on healthy lifestyle and proper eating at @anastassiakhozissova Instagram profile.

Text: Anastassia Khozissova


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